Frequently Asked Questions

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Why should I pursue a liberal arts education?
Can you explain the Block Plan and what a typical day is like?
Why is the Block Plan so unique? Why can't I find it at other colleges?
How do courses under the Block Plan transfer in and out? Can I get credit for AP, IB, and other college courses?
Does Colorado College have an honors program?
What programs are available for students with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities?
What additional academic services do you offer to students?
What are the general requirements?
What pre-professional programs are available?
Does the college help students find jobs?
What security measures does CC employ? Where can I obtain statistics about safety?
What majors does CC offer?
What is the average class size?
What types of extra-curricular activities exist on campus?
Who are your famous and most distinguished graduates?
What are the college expenses?
What does my tuition pay for?
Report an issue - Last updated: 08/03/2023